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panic attacks

What is Your Symptom Orientation? You cannot have a panic attack unless you react with fear and dread to the normal bodily sensations of adrenaline, shortness of breath, dizziness, heart pounding, rubbery legs, chest tightness, disorientation, weakness, tingling, blurred vision, hot flashes, sweats and inner trembling. When you are in a panic state, you are […]

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Call 1-800-366-6570 Now to See If You Qualify For a Free Trial of the panicLINK System. Offer is Limited to First Ten Callers Who Fit the Panic Profile Click the link below to see if you qualify.   Are panic attacks running your life and boxing you into a corner? When you wake up […]

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Panic Attacks: TakeCONTROL Training

by Dr. Blumberg on December 26, 2011

Fear of Normal Bodily Sensations Do you live in fear of a sudden surge of heart pounding, shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness, rubbery legs, heavy head, inner trembling, nausea, lump in the throat, chest heaviness, numbness and tingling in your hands and feet, head pressure, cotton mouth, spacey, and disorientation?   Catastrophic Thinking and […]

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What Is Causing My Panic Attack Symptoms?

by Dr. Blumberg on April 23, 2011

*Uncertainty about the Cause of Panic Attack Symptoms Initial panic attacks appear “Out of the Blue” for no apparent reason. Experiencing intense physical sensations with no explanation can be very disconcerting.  You immediately think “Why am I feeling this way? What could be causing me to feel such intense surges of physical sensations in my […]

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Can Panic Attacks Make Me Depressed?

by Dr. Blumberg on December 5, 2010

Setback-Depression is Secondary to Panic Disorder Abracadabra panic disappears from your life.  You found a magical technique or new method. You think “It is gone forever!” You are floating on “cloud nine.” You found the answer.  Then, all of sudden, “Out of the Blue”, just when your life seemed perfect with no major stresses or […]

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Causes of Panic Disorder; Stop Holiday Panic Attacks

by Dr. Blumberg on November 20, 2010

People Pleaser Panic Attacks Are you wondering about how to accommodate the requests from family and friends to visit and schedule time together during the holiday season?  You are not alone.  Thousands of panic attack sufferers spend considerable time planning and coordinating schedules with both family and friends to make sure everyone is happy.  The […]

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Six Steps To Prevent Recurring Panic Attacks

by Dr. Blumberg on October 3, 2010

Don’t Let Panic Rust Set In It was almost a year ago that *Linda had successfully completed panicLINK.  She had been feeling so well, that the panicLINK DVD, CDs, Workbooks and Guidebook were collecting dust.  She had even misplaced some her key handouts on the 6 Take Control Training Steps. The holidays were rapidly approaching.  […]

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