by Dr. Blumberg on February 10, 2012
What is Your Symptom Orientation? You cannot have a panic attack unless you react with fear and dread to the normal bodily sensations of adrenaline, shortness of breath, dizziness, heart pounding, rubbery legs, chest tightness, disorientation, weakness, tingling, blurred vision, hot flashes, sweats and inner trembling. When you are in a panic state, you are […]
by Dr. Blumberg on January 23, 2012
Call 1-800-366-6570 Now to See If You Qualify For a Free Trial of the panicLINK System. Offer is Limited to First Ten Callers Who Fit the Panic Profile Click the link below to see if you qualify.  Are panic attacks running your life and boxing you into a corner? When you wake up […]
by Dr. Blumberg on December 26, 2011
Fear of Normal Bodily Sensations Do you live in fear of a sudden surge of heart pounding, shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness, rubbery legs, heavy head, inner trembling, nausea, lump in the throat, chest heaviness, numbness and tingling in your hands and feet, head pressure, cotton mouth, spacey, and disorientation? Catastrophic Thinking and […]
by Dr. Blumberg on February 13, 2011
The first unexpected sudden surge of heart pounding, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, weakness, rubbery legs, jelly legs, shallow breathing, chest tightness and numbness and tingling can be very terrifying. Without even realizing it, your alarming reaction to these normal bodily sensations fuels the symptoms. The panic attack symptoms can rapidly spiral into a full-blown panic […]
by Dr. Blumberg on December 14, 2010
Panic Attacks Keep Me up All Night The sun is starting to set. Your mind is already consumed with terrifying sleep thoughts. “I hope I get a good night sleep tonight. What if that dreaded heart pounding and sweats strike again, just as my head hits the pillow. What if the panic attack symptoms escalate […]
by Dr. Blumberg on September 16, 2010
1.      Stop False Catastrophic Thinking  When a sudden surge of shortness of breath, weakness and rubbery legs, numbness and tingling in your hand and feet, dizziness and woozy feeling, heart thumping and inner trembling, heat waves and sweats create havoc in your body, don’t add False Catastrophic Thinking.  Don’t fuel the panic attack symptoms with […]
by Dr. Blumberg on August 29, 2010
Could My Throat Pressure be a sign of Throat Cancer?  Charles*, a 34 year old divorced engineer, felt a sudden sensation of throat tightness and pressure, while watching TV on a Saturday Morning right before the holidays. He noticed the “lump in the throat†persisted all day. Charles could not help his mind from traveling […]