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cognitive behavior therapy

Anti-Panic Medication Can Interfere With the Effectiveness of CBT A variety of pharmacological treatments (anti-depressants and minor tranquilizers) have been shown to be effective in regulating panic attacks. However, Anthony and Swinson (2000) reviewed research which show that the addition of anti-panic medications to Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) for panic disorder can diminish the effectiveness […]

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Why Do Panic Patients See So Many Medical Doctors?

by Dr. Blumberg on May 23, 2010

Panic patients are suddenly hit with a barrage of physical symptoms, “Out of the Blue”. When dizziness, heart pounding, shortness of breath, weakness, numbness in the hands and feet, and hot cold spells strike without apparent cause, panic sufferers frequently seek medical evaluations (emergency rooms, family doctors) to determine the cause. Ballenger (1987) states that […]

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Early Treatment Studies The first psychological treatment studies for agoraphobia centered on graduated invivo exposure alone to the feared situation (Hand, LaMontagne and Marks, 1974). That is, the agoraphobic patients were instructed to reenter the situations they had been avoiding. Agoraphobia is a secondary complication of panic attacks. The agoraphobic patient utilizes escape and avoidance […]

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Cognitive Models of Panic Disorder David Clark (1986) and Aaron Beck (1989) view panic attacks as a catastrophic misinterpretation of harmless bodily sensations. For example, a patient notices an increase in his heart rate and thinks the increased heart race is a sign of a heart attack. The alarming thought, “I am having a heart […]

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In 2007, 591 American Psychological Association members were randomly surveyed about their theoretical orientation to treatment.  Almost 50% indicated a theoretical orientation toward cognitive behavior therapy. Almost one-half of psychologists indicated they were cognitive behavioral specialists! The Psychodynamic orientation ranked  second, with approximately 22% of those surveyed. However, Craske (2010) refers to research that suggests […]

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