Call 1-800-366-6570 Now to See If You Qualify For a Free Trial of the panicLINK System.
Offer is Limited to First Ten Callers Who Fit the Panic Profile
Click the link below to see if you qualify.
- Are panic attacks running your life and boxing you into a corner?
- When you wake up in the morning, do you dread facing another day of heart pounding, lightheadedness, rubbery legs, shortness of breath, numbness and tingling?
- Despite being told by your doctor that you are in good physical health, do you continue to worry and dwell and question “What is causing me to feel this way? Did the doctor miss something? Maybe there is an underlying serious undetected medical condition that will be discovered upon autopsy. Could these symptoms be signs of a heart attack, stroke or brain tumor? Will I faint in public or snap and have a nervous breakdown?â€
Don’t let another second tick by without taking charge and running panic attacks out of town.
I just spent the last 8 years putting my office in a box. Â The panicLINK system is the home-based version of the exact Four Phase, 12 session program, that helped over 5000 panic disorder sufferers take control of panic attacks and live panic free.
Now I Want to Help You Get Your Life Back.
What’s included in the Free Trial Offer of the panicLINK system.
- A Comprehensive, Four Phase, Program, that teaches you how to put panic attacks behind you for good and guides you to a self-discovery of the four causes of panic attacks and the missing link to living panic free.
- Created by a Doctor, who trained with the top experts in the field of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT)
In Session Methodology
Each of the Twelve Sessions has four multi-media components synchronized to simulate the in office experience in the comfort of your own home.
- 12 Session Video Commentary prepares you for the upcoming session
- 12 Â Session Workbook Set with 452 pages (on CD-Rom) of hands-on patient-doctor interactions, graphs, charts, rich graphic support, exercises and behavioral assignments
- 12 Session Audio Program on 15 CDs brings each session to life with live personalized instructions
- 12 Session Guidebook (on CD-Rom) with the exact session by session handouts use by Dr. Blumberg in his private session wrap-up.
Watch, read, and hear exactly what I said to over 5000 patients in their private one-on-one session with me, session by session. Receive my personalized audio instructions to you. Then review the exact handouts I give to my patients in their personal session wrap-up with me in the comfort on your own home.
Limited to First Ten Callers
I will put my office in a box and send it to your home.  You can test drive the entire program in the comfort of your home for 30 days FREE.  That’s Right….
I Will Send My Office to Your Home for a 30 Day Free Trial.
Stop Searching for the Answer in the Wrong Places, wasting time, money and needless suffering.
Regain peace of mind and free yourself from being a prisoner to panic attacks today.
Call 1-800-366-6570 Now.
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